There’s a difference though between exerting effort in order to put yourself out there to find a significant other and becoming obsessive over your lack of a relationship. It’s usually the latter when people say that “it’ll happen when you least expect it.”
Irish War Cry looks like he has the horse equivalent of a bowl cut for a mane.
His name redeems him though.
Why don’t you just take a lap there champ
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
The “sup” nod from the meatheads in the gym is a sign of respect and how you know you’ve become accepted.
You seem alright, you’re always welcome.
Can’t wait to read your column next week.
The Chase: Punched by a stranger for attempted roast hand.
Living within 1 mile of secluded beaches. PGPM. Also humble brag.
You should definitely move out of Kansas
Sounds like you were walking through the Tenderloin
Exactly. When someone uses that phrase, it’s just a polite way to say “stop stressing over this so much.”
The comparisons she made though are beyond ridiculous though.
The sponsored content is usually based on your search history/search patterns…
There’s a difference though between exerting effort in order to put yourself out there to find a significant other and becoming obsessive over your lack of a relationship. It’s usually the latter when people say that “it’ll happen when you least expect it.”
“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might just find, you get what you need.” – “The Rolling Stones” – Michael Scott
Go watch some more “weapon” vids and calm down.
“The Weapon” might be a little “special”….
Missed that part, that’s my bad.
This show is the equivalent of visual/auditory Xanax on a Sunday evening.
Try less
“Hey Duda, what asinine and irrelevant take do you want to write about today.”
Please see a cardiologist, for your sake. I fear for your heart.