Don’t forget the guy who takes out his brand new Jordan’s from the shoe box he keeps them in and all his clothes match including head/wrist bands. These guys are the worst!
6. Join a vanpool so you have to leave on time everyday otherwise you’ll have no ride home. Pray that they don’t offer to drop you off if you go and if they do, well shit…
Who will be this season’s Chad?
Love you, Mom!
Don’t forget the guy who takes out his brand new Jordan’s from the shoe box he keeps them in and all his clothes match including head/wrist bands. These guys are the worst!
He’s only making five figures in NYC which makes it even worse!
Commented before I read due to excitement.
Please down vote me to oblivion!
Will, you ARE NOT The People’s Champ and DIDN’T give us what we wanted! Boo this man!
You are The People’s Champ!
This sounds like a TFM, or in your case, TSM.
$6.13 in March? That’s what happens when you don’t fill up the tank when you return your rental!
Make Instagram Great Again!
Pro Tip: Focus more on finding a place to take a dump instead of writing an article about it!
6. Join a vanpool so you have to leave on time everyday otherwise you’ll have no ride home. Pray that they don’t offer to drop you off if you go and if they do, well shit…
Cum Guzzler usually gets a few laughs
What a shitty way to end the week!
I guess I’ll stay seated for the next couple of minutes…
Yes! Give the people not what we want, but what we need!
You better NOT use a single one of these on Lizzie!
100% guarantee if this price was written by Quinn Truflais
I don’t even have 100 followers on IG
A Milk Chocolate Ensure Plus always helps things along for me in the morning. PGP.