
Member Since 08/01/2013

She liked my LinkedIn post, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.

Post Grad Problems

I’m just trying to not throw up PGP

Post Grad Problems

My boss has AskJeeves as his homepage. PGP

Post Grad Problems

Googling “pros and cons of being an uber driver”. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Damn I should have been a teacher.

Post Grad Problems

The only reason my digestive health is regular is because of the morning coffee

Post Grad Problems

Knowing which stalls have the best wifi.

Post Grad Problems

Getting hit with a “glad you decided to show up to work today” after being 5 minutes late. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I don’t get cranky before I’ve had my coffee, but I tell people I do so they won’t talk to me. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Greatest Boss Ever Sir Richard Branson Grants Year Long Paternity Leave