Billy Lumbergh

Member Since 06/04/2013

Sale on lean cuisines. Boom!

Post Grad Problems

I have three bosses.

Post Grad Problems

I can’t believe I was excited to start this job.

Post Grad Problems

I could really use that fantasy league money right now.

Post Grad Problems

Someone’s car alarm in the parking lot has been going off for hours.

Post Grad Problems

Killed a bottle of wine and fell asleep at halftime. Who won the game?

Post Grad Problems

Joined the board of my condo HOA.

Post Grad Problems

My boss ordered everyone pizza right after I left for lunch.

Post Grad Problems

Saved money all week to go out this weekend and I got a speeding ticket on the way into work.

Post Grad Problems

James Harden gets 200 million from Adidas and I can’t even get a key card to park in the work garage.

Post Grad Problems