Quadruple bogied my quarterly sales review. Pgp.
First day in my new office. Ate lunch alone in my truck. PGP.
Only person on my floor who can physically put in a new water jug on the cooler. PGP
Got a 2 out of 3 on my performance exam for attendance. I haven’t missed a day of work since 2014. PGP.
Being too scared to put a GIF in the comments on PGP, cause you’re afraid you’ll screw it up. PGP
Failed attempts at morning sex before work. PGP.
I threatened a group of teenagers that I would get them kicked out of the movie, if they didn’t be quiet. PGP.
I almost quit today. PGP.
Getting rejection e-mails from companies you don’t remember applying to. PGP
Not so subtle pressure from the girlfriend to propose. PGP