works better than our company website. PGP.
Socks and underwear being the only items on your Christmas wish list. PGP.
When your boss being an hour late means you’ll have to stay an hour later than usual. PGP.
Being “randomly” selected to provide a urine specimen for drug testing on a monthly basis. PGP.
Catching yourself identifying with The Grinch. PGP.
The highlight of my day was getting to sign a letter because it made me feel important. PGP.
All I want for Christmas is a gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond, and in no way am I ashamed. PGP.
Not realizing there isn’t toilet paper in the bathroom until it’s too late. PGP.
The guy that always takes the stairs can kiss my ass. PGP.
Admiring coffee now like you did alcohol in college. PGP.
Having to get a mole “checked out.” PGP.
The awkward “pants boner” that slacks always make it look like you have. PGP.