Getting passive-aggressive comments about not contributing to the break room/party fund. PGP.
Wearing a sweater to the office ugly sweater party similar to the one your boss wears on a daily basis. PGP.
Not being able to afford the product your company sells. PGP.
On week six of constant Christmas music at work. PGP.
Showing up to work with a persistent lip stain from last night’s red wine. PGP.
Finding out the hard way that your office ceiling isn’t high enough to practice a full golf swing. PGP.
When kidnapping your boss and forcing him to give you a better Christmas bonus doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea. PGP.
Shaving, ironing, breakfast. Choose two. PGP.
Being super excited about tapping the water cooler in the break room. PGP.
Instinctively saying, “I have an errand to run,” when a coworker asks what you’re doing for lunch. PGP.
Just describing your job when someone asks what you do, because even you don’t know what to make of your job title. PGP.
Office temperatures ranging randomly from “Arctic Winter” to “Death Valley Summer” throughout the day. PGP.