The older men in my office are the only reason cell phone holsters are still being produced. PGP.
Dying from thirst to avoid the chatty coworker at the water cooler. PGP.
“I’ll get right on that when I get back from lunch.” PGP.
First one here. Last one gone. Least amount done. PGP.
Taking your work laptop home even though you have no intention of doing any work. PGP.
Your manager sending out a team-wide passive aggressive email clearly aimed at you. PGP.
Actively ignoring the fact that you’ve been rationalizing the real life “4” as an office “10.” PGP.
YouTube more effectively teaching my how to do my job than the company’s training program. PGP.
Offended our sales guy today when I laughed in response to his offer to “quarterback us to success.” PGP.
How did they get piss on the top of the urinal? PGP.
The guy that doesn’t have an inside voice. PGP.
Not being able to get your hilarious thought into 140 characters. PGP.