Custodian just has to clean the restroom right as I’m in the middle of dropping the Browns off at the Super Bowl. PGP
Kate Upton settling with those Game of War commercials makes me feel better about settling with my career path. PGP.
Adopting a “maintain, don’t gain” diet mindset. PGP
muting the call so you can fart.
My college jeans don’t fit anymore. PGP.
Saw the sun for the first time today on my commute home. PGP.
That moment on Monday when you finally check your account balance. PGP.
At least they took the time to send a rejection email.
Explaining what you do for a living. PGP.
Will I ever get used to this? PGP.
The old guy next to me uses talk to text. PGP.
When someone walks up to your desk and starts up a conversation while you’re clearly wearing headphones. PGP.