Even if I had more vacation days, I can’t afford to go anywhere cool. PGP.
Your coworkers telling you that they’ll “See you next year.” As they leave for the long weekend. PGP.
The guy in the stall next to me is trying to start a conversation. PGP
Just got wedding invitation to watch a live-steam of the ceremony in Hawaii. Not an invitation to attend but to stream it online. PGP
Using Hinge to network because I’m that desperate. PGP
Having a legitimate plan of action if I win the powerball. #PGP
It only took a few months for me to get on a first-name basis with my dry cleaner. PGP.
Covering for all of your older coworkers who have more vacation time than you. PGP.
I didn’t get any cash or practical gift cards for Christmas.
Actually looking forward to work this week, because most of the people I hate are still on vacation. PGP.