Very much agree with this theory. Another one floating around is Arnold = Bernard, as in when Arnold died Ford re-built him as a host. That could explain some of the “Bernard” and Dolores conversations that don’t seem to fit in the timeline. But, yeah, who knows anything anymore
Agreed. Vacations where you just eat and drink all day in a warm climate are the best. Just don’t invite anyone who wants to “do” things and you’ll be fine.
Emotional intelligence vs. Jade and Tanner’s wedding, who you got?
Snowboarding in VT and football at the bars. A Cowboy’s loss and it may be the perfect weekend.
“The Tequila Night” being a term for everyone is 100% accurate. Still (don’t) remember mine.
“is upstaged by Bill and his apparent love of balloons.” There is a joke here I am sure….
Everyone who hasn’t left my town is a Cop or a Teacher, and they all date one another.
These should be your wedding vows
Phones on airplane mode / off is the only way to go on a weekend like this. Go get ’em boys.
Very much agree with this theory. Another one floating around is Arnold = Bernard, as in when Arnold died Ford re-built him as a host. That could explain some of the “Bernard” and Dolores conversations that don’t seem to fit in the timeline. But, yeah, who knows anything anymore
As my dad always says, “There is a reason they call it work”
Agreed. Vacations where you just eat and drink all day in a warm climate are the best. Just don’t invite anyone who wants to “do” things and you’ll be fine.
You forgot how the appropriate time to have a beer slowly creeps up as the days pass. 11 AM on a Tuesday starts to feel like 5 PM on a Friday.
What poem is that from? Is that James Joyce?
This one, of all the great comment here, really nailed it. That is an insane way to look at things but probably very telling.
Westworld*** Pretty dope show that is worth whatever they charge for HBO… tho who actually pays for that? That person deserves a beer.
74 degrees is psycho behavior. But your take on bananas is dead on…. they kind of do suck.
Liquor over coffee** god they need an edit feature.
Basically choosing liquor over beer at this point, was on Nexium for awhile but that just caused other side effects. Rather be tired than sober.
She’s a nut case but telling a girl you previously spent 3k on an ex is just a suicide mission from the start. Get it together dude.
Fair point.
Pretty much every column you have written has been golf related… i am not sure you don’t enjoy talking about it.