Or add “living within your means”, “Save a small percentage of income every payday into a self-earning savings accounts or IRA” or “Work a fun part-time job on weekends”. Ya know, small financial advice stuff.
I can relate to this story because I drove an ’06 Jetta for my entire college career and that Jetta was much a part of my college and young post grad life like yours was. I remember many road trips, back seat…wrestling with flings (they were not happy of the space) and speeding tickets in the Jetta. In 2015, I went in to a dealership to get a new car. I traded the Jetta (at 115K miles) to use as value for my current car. The same night, I remember grabbing last minute things from the side sills and coin tray as it was in the lot. Afterwards, I locked it and then turned around, looked at it one last time. With a smirk on my face, I whispered faintly, “We had fun. Good bye.” “Don’t You Forget About Me” by Simple Minds played in my head as I walked away.
28-ish making $90K is pushing it because of what her Linkedin profile saying she, basically, does middle management work. Yet again +30% of that income could be coming from daddy *cough cough*. Also, congrats on the Stanley Cup win, Kessel.
I hope it’s the late 30s because she repeated saying she makes “$90K a year” (She got fired from her job and probably won’t see that kind of salary anymore). It would be more understandable someone that old making $90K, not someone in their mid-20’s.
The new question I ask girls when talking to them is, “How do you feel about that crazy girl who screamed at those Michael’s employees and coffee shop folks?” If their answer starts to sound like they’re agreeing with her rant, I just run the other direction like a suspect on COPS.
The problem with this study is that it talks about an age range that doesn’t focus on the level of their education or their education situation. People from age 18-24 are either trying to find full-time work right out of high school or they are in college and don’t change their primary address to their college address because the college address is temporary (moving from dorm to dorm or a greek house, etc.). The study should have focused on recent college graduates (ages 22 to 26/27) on what their current living situation is. The study needs to be broken down specifically on education level, age and career industry. I hope my comment makes some readers feel better about themselves?
This is a good post. This post really has the certain whiff to have it apply to people graduating with the “special snowflake” mentality as if they’ll get that $60K/year gig. This also struck the heart with my job situation now. Keep on keepin’, Madoff.
“Elite Daily: the vortex for every special snowflake with wanderlust and an entitlement complex” Make T-Shirts of this quote and you’ll rake in some side cash in a heartbeat. Next to writing PGP articles as well.
Or add “living within your means”, “Save a small percentage of income every payday into a self-earning savings accounts or IRA” or “Work a fun part-time job on weekends”. Ya know, small financial advice stuff.
I can relate to this story because I drove an ’06 Jetta for my entire college career and that Jetta was much a part of my college and young post grad life like yours was. I remember many road trips, back seat…wrestling with flings (they were not happy of the space) and speeding tickets in the Jetta. In 2015, I went in to a dealership to get a new car. I traded the Jetta (at 115K miles) to use as value for my current car. The same night, I remember grabbing last minute things from the side sills and coin tray as it was in the lot. Afterwards, I locked it and then turned around, looked at it one last time. With a smirk on my face, I whispered faintly, “We had fun. Good bye.” “Don’t You Forget About Me” by Simple Minds played in my head as I walked away.
This is one of the greatest reads in a while on this site. I hope this article segment continues. Period.
28-ish making $90K is pushing it because of what her Linkedin profile saying she, basically, does middle management work. Yet again +30% of that income could be coming from daddy *cough cough*. Also, congrats on the Stanley Cup win, Kessel.
I hope it’s the late 30s because she repeated saying she makes “$90K a year” (She got fired from her job and probably won’t see that kind of salary anymore). It would be more understandable someone that old making $90K, not someone in their mid-20’s.
It’s a reference everyone can visualize. Only if I could write for PGP *soft sad sigh*.
The new question I ask girls when talking to them is, “How do you feel about that crazy girl who screamed at those Michael’s employees and coffee shop folks?” If their answer starts to sound like they’re agreeing with her rant, I just run the other direction like a suspect on COPS.
This makes me thankful people like you exist in our society.
Fair enough.
The problem with this study is that it talks about an age range that doesn’t focus on the level of their education or their education situation. People from age 18-24 are either trying to find full-time work right out of high school or they are in college and don’t change their primary address to their college address because the college address is temporary (moving from dorm to dorm or a greek house, etc.). The study should have focused on recent college graduates (ages 22 to 26/27) on what their current living situation is. The study needs to be broken down specifically on education level, age and career industry. I hope my comment makes some readers feel better about themselves?
A Mercury Milan is not small. A Mini Cooper is small. A Fiat 500 is small. A Mercury Milan is a mid-size, middle-class luxury sedan.
This is a good post. This post really has the certain whiff to have it apply to people graduating with the “special snowflake” mentality as if they’ll get that $60K/year gig. This also struck the heart with my job situation now. Keep on keepin’, Madoff.
Why no Miata on list?
Does blacking out at your office holiday party after midnight a ticket to a raise and promotion? I’m asking for a friend…
I have trust issues with people who drink Monster Energy drinks.
For her it’s all in the hips.
“Elite Daily: the vortex for every special snowflake with wanderlust and an entitlement complex” Make T-Shirts of this quote and you’ll rake in some side cash in a heartbeat. Next to writing PGP articles as well.
Done. This is the story king. No more.
My Monday was fine until this God forsaken writing came into my life.
Next article release: “What your Post Grad Problem articles say about you.”