Why did teachers choose to be teachers? Because they’re either (a) selfless, which many are and I genuinely respect them, or (b) elementary education is by far the easiest college major that actually results in a job, and compensation is commensurate with that difficulty.
First, don’t ever wear a fucking button down that’s not tucked in unless it has palm trees on it and you’re on the beach. It looks sloppy.
Next, clothes don’t make you stand out at a bar. Confidence does.
Oxfords (shoes). Fitted chinos. Nice, button-down shirt. Works in every bar that has women in it that shave their pits. If you’re going to stand out, err upward. Nothing stinks as good as arrogance.
Also, fuck you and don’t take this advice. I’d rather it keep working just for me.
Hit home, hard. I’m on the tail end of a work trip, same age, and have drank more this week than I have in a long time. I’ve got one more night, and I swear it might kill me.
I don’t really see starting true adulthood as a single person as fucking up life. I think, for most people, it’s a great opportunity to find out who you really are.
Not a single “sup” given so far. That’s weird.
Why did teachers choose to be teachers? Because they’re either (a) selfless, which many are and I genuinely respect them, or (b) elementary education is by far the easiest college major that actually results in a job, and compensation is commensurate with that difficulty.
Good luck, sir. Kudos for finding someone to talk to about it.
Wait… what’s wrong with adderall?
First, do not WebMD. At least if you’re a hypochondriac such as myself.
Second, to the nurse in the pic with the booty: sup?
Play Bandon after you leave Portland. It’s pricey, but absolutely the nicest public course in the country.
No survivors.
Now I’m crying at cocktail hour. What a beautiful cause inspired by a beautiful kid.
Duda, just because you’re not a rich kid of Instagram doesn’t mean you have to go out of your way to act like a poor.
Crick: find me at an airport chili’s near you. What’s your home base?
Name does not check out.
And also with you.
Taco Tuesday. Wooooooo!
Was that a haiku?
Wish I would’ve been here earlier. Let’s go:
First, don’t ever wear a fucking button down that’s not tucked in unless it has palm trees on it and you’re on the beach. It looks sloppy.
Next, clothes don’t make you stand out at a bar. Confidence does.
Oxfords (shoes). Fitted chinos. Nice, button-down shirt. Works in every bar that has women in it that shave their pits. If you’re going to stand out, err upward. Nothing stinks as good as arrogance.
Also, fuck you and don’t take this advice. I’d rather it keep working just for me.
Hit home, hard. I’m on the tail end of a work trip, same age, and have drank more this week than I have in a long time. I’ve got one more night, and I swear it might kill me.
Starting the first leg of a 7 city roadshow culminating with a week in DC. Prayers appreciated.
And just like that, I’m an awkward teenager again trying to hide a boner in Biology class.
You have real talent to make me hate a fictional character this much.
I don’t really see starting true adulthood as a single person as fucking up life. I think, for most people, it’s a great opportunity to find out who you really are.
Fuck, where am I? Did I just say something?