10/10 would try to trick Bieber into becoming friends with me, so I could use him to hang out with models and have them laugh at me, after I try to hit on them.
Don’t watch the bachelor. But I heard this guy got second place on the bachelorette before. He then called out the bachelorette, on national television, for having sex with him, but still not picking him. Lol
Have roommate’s multiple high school buddies, who live with their parents in the burbs, sleep on my couch every single weekend to party in the city. Can confirm.
I like how 2016 is being considered the worst year ever, solely because of a shitshow of an election that probably won’t change your life that much. If you’re healthy, employed, and have good friends/family, you should be thankful for 2016. know I am.
When I’m in Denver or Boulder once a year or so, I can’t get over the mountains in the background when you’re outside. Maybe, it’s because see it daily, but I prefer it to the city skyline I normally see.
My roommates had seven people from the burbs stay at our apt for the weekend for T Box. It was awful. I lied to them and said I couldn’t go because i might have to go into the office. For once, I loved my job.
But can Amazon’s Alexa suggest hardcore porn to a 25 year old? Asking for a friend.
10/10 would try to trick Bieber into becoming friends with me, so I could use him to hang out with models and have them laugh at me, after I try to hit on them.
Why is there only one article out by 9am? What am I supposed to read when I pretend to poop at the office, so I can play on my phone for 15 minutes.
Don’t watch the bachelor. But I heard this guy got second place on the bachelorette before. He then called out the bachelorette, on national television, for having sex with him, but still not picking him. Lol
You’re weird. Dog people are supposed to like it when people ask about their dog.
Merry Christmas Boston Max!
I had to share a computer with my sister when I was 11.
Not a fan of the orange guy, but thanks for reminding me about how glorious it was watching Hill Dog’s collapse.
Have roommate’s multiple high school buddies, who live with their parents in the burbs, sleep on my couch every single weekend to party in the city. Can confirm.
What is this TFM? I’m ecstatic if I have one girl that I know I can take to boner city whenever, let alone a roster.
I want all my relatives to pool their money together and send a rent check for January to my landlord.
I like how 2016 is being considered the worst year ever, solely because of a shitshow of an election that probably won’t change your life that much. If you’re healthy, employed, and have good friends/family, you should be thankful for 2016. know I am.
This is why professional athletes are dumb and go broke. If I was the new guy and was told to pay an $1800 bill, I’d tell my coworkers to fuck off.
I want Sage Northcutt’s hair, instead of my slightly balding buzz cut.
When I’m in Denver or Boulder once a year or so, I can’t get over the mountains in the background when you’re outside. Maybe, it’s because see it daily, but I prefer it to the city skyline I normally see.
My little sister dated a guy with my name for a 2 or 4 years. I was pumped when they broke up.
9. Pull a Manti Te’o and tell your entire family about your serious girlfriend who doesn’t even exist.
Screw the office! What about the PGP commenters?
My roommates had seven people from the burbs stay at our apt for the weekend for T Box. It was awful. I lied to them and said I couldn’t go because i might have to go into the office. For once, I loved my job.