
Member Since 08/01/2018

  • SoloJazz 5 years ago on So You’re Moving In With Your Girlfriend

    First month of living together was majorly stressful. Now, it seems like it was never any other way. Granted, it’s been less than a year, but I think we’ve argued about everything we could possibly argue about. With the cost of rent, if you know you’re in it for the long haul, why the hell not?

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  • SoloJazz 5 years ago on To The Fans

    Ugh so, semi embarrassing story time…when I first moved to Chicago, like, my literal first day, it happened to be my birthday. Due to circumstances that would take too long to describe, I was having an awful day. Nervous about my living situation, jobless, among other things. Plus it was my birthday, which I normally love. I called my dad to vent and talk to maybe cheer myself up. While talking to him, I decided to escape my new apartment and walk down the street to a cool looking restaurant. As I approach the patio, I see someone outside smoking. I do a double take. It looks like a PGP guy. I was still relatively new to PGP, so I couldn’t be sure. I’m still on the phone, so I’m hanging around outside (a little teary if you must know) and simultaneously trying to look like I’m not staring at whomever it is. Then, a full group of guys walk out of the restaurant, and I see John Duda in an absolutely outrageous outfit. There’s no question it’s him and there’s no question who he’s with, especially once I realized y’all were on a trip to Chicago. I’m not kidding when I say I was so. excited. It was like seeing (quasi) celebs! There’s no real point to this story, except that you all brought some measure of joy to my life, and you will be missed. Hope you make your way back to Fatpour soon. Also sorry about being a creep.

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  • SoloJazz 6 years ago on Yes, I’m A 27-Year-Old Guy Who Loves His Birthday

    YES BIRTHDAY MONTH! I have no shame. My birthday’s this month too, and I invited a bunch of friends to play flip cup and What Do You Meme. Ended the night with pizza and Super Smash Bros at my apartment. Then on my actual birthday, I went out to a nice dinner with my boyfriend. My mom’s coming into town later this month and taking me out to a nice dinner as well. Birthdays are what you make them.

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  • SoloJazz 6 years ago on Venmo Is For Friends, Not Significant Others

    I’m pretty shocked that you seem more offended if they’re living together/married…In my experience, Venmos were kept to a minimum pre moving in. Now, it’s inevitable. I’m all for a good time on vacations and dinners but stuff like groceries, rent, internet, if one of you NEEDS cable and the other one doesn’t care–it all adds up and should be split. Also, idk but maybe let people live??

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  • SoloJazz 6 years ago on I Cannot Successfully Meal Prep

    I feel you on having limited kitchen space–it’s hard enough (for me) to cook alone and uninterrupted–but adding in a few roommates and a tiny kitchen, downright impossible. Something that’s helped me is not getting a full meal out for lunch.There’s a decent salad bar near me, and I know this is a little sad but sometimes I’ll get a side salad with avocado and salmon and veggies to go with my sandwich I brought or boring chicken breast. It’s under $5 and scratches the eat out itch AND it’s healthy-ish

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  • SoloJazz 6 years ago on I Cannot Successfully Meal Prep

    Yeah, she lost me there. I know it sucks, but you would save money AND have a higher grocery budget if you brought your lunch more days than not

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  • SoloJazz 6 years ago on Mailbag: A Girlfriend's Sketchy STI Test, Your Friend Right-Swiping On Your Girl, And Is It Okay To Rock The Swoop Hairstyle?

    What concerns me more than the shoving is the part where you say he was yelling at you after he shoved you, and only “once he calmed down” he apologized. I can’t speak from personal experience, but that sounds like exactly how an abusive person operates. I can understand doing things in the heat of the moment, but the fact that he shoved you (definitely crossing a boundary there) and then yelled at you? I dunno, I don’t like that.

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