
Member Since 08/21/2015

I’m Almost 30 And Have Never Been To Starbucks

No, It’s Not Time To Put The Video Games Away, Chief

Solo Golf Is The Best Golf

Puns are the only things that can make trips to Ikea enjoyable. That and swedish meatballs.

Witty Boyfriend Annoys The Hell Out Of His Hot Girlfriend With Puns At Ikea

My life goal is to be so successful that it hurts my ex girlfriends feelings. PGP

Post Grad Problems

Any time someone emails me with a question, it takes every ounce of my will power not to answer, “I have no fucking idea, dude.” PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Getting a call for an interview, but having no clue what it’s for because you’ve applied to so many jobs. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The overwhelming satisfaction you get when you see people you went to high school with doing much worse in life than you. PGP.

Post Grad Problems