Someone took a dump on the office bathroom floor today and then stepped in it. PGP.
Department wide email chains about closing the refrigerator door. PGP.
E-mails with To: and Cc: lines bigger than the actual message. PGP.
New girlfriend invited me to her college reunion. Got cucked. PGP.
When your boss forwards you a boring 1 hour meeting and demands you attend for him because he “doesn’t want to.” PGP.
“This ergonomic mouse is a real game changer.” PGP.
Took a half day to relax. Got bored and logged on to work remotely. PGP.
Decided not to go out this weekend to save a bit of money. Phone stops working on Sunday and I drop 250 to fix it. PGP.
Being on a terrible date and the waiter takes an hour to give you the bill. awkward. PGP
New at the company and didn’t know the lock on the end bathroom stall was “faulty.” Someone walked in on me taking a shit. There was eye contact. PGP.