The Facebook memories feature has been nothing but photos from freshman year for the last 2 weeks. PGP.
My lunch buddy cheated on me today with someone down the hall. PGP.
If the job won’t kill you then the commute will. PGP.
Couldn’t go to the Catalina Wine Mixer because of work. PGP.
The day after you try reliving your undergrad days during game day. PGP.
The sun caused me to get into a wreck this morning because I’m too fucking cheap to afford new sunglasses. PGP
Co-worker with an office has been caught looking at porn three times; meanwhile, I can’t even install Spotify on my desktop. PGP
Just received a negative evaluation for watching too much golf while in the office. PGP.
Drive coworkers to lunch and….. one spills all over my backseat.
On paper, I’m an adult. PGP