Won’t stop your lover from producing acetaldehyde, and won’t prevent your stomach from producing too much hydrocloric acid. So it might help a little but you can already buy organic wine without sulfites
As I age my hangovers get worse but I get smarter at fighting/avoiding them. Craft beer is where I get in trouble. O it’s only 3-4 beers and you forget they were 7% alcohol.
Liver not lover
Won’t stop your lover from producing acetaldehyde, and won’t prevent your stomach from producing too much hydrocloric acid. So it might help a little but you can already buy organic wine without sulfites
As I age my hangovers get worse but I get smarter at fighting/avoiding them. Craft beer is where I get in trouble. O it’s only 3-4 beers and you forget they were 7% alcohol.
Texas BBQ> Carolina Bbq
One of these days it’s going to read “Things girls do after graduation: Go on the Bachelor” because Todd got the fuck out of there.
Get ready to be on Indeed more than Insta
Anywhere in Kansas or Iowa
Death would have been kinder to me than my New Orleans hang over last year.
Don’t forget the piss breaks
Lots of other outdoor activities that doesn’t require shedding innocent animal blood.
My Aunt and all my cousins have been de-friended because of “ItWorks” more like it’s bull shit.
Can’t remember what city they live in but thought it was in Michigan. Not sure where in Michigan rent is 2,200 for a 2bd seems a bit steep
That’s because you spend it all on the liquor
Might be able to get you another interview with my sister Jade Tolbert but she barely responds to my texts so I doubt it.
I’d switch 1 and 2 but other than that spot on.
Pants are the hardest thing for me to find. Skinny waist long legs are not sold in stores. Stores assume everyone is short and/or fat.
I’ll agree with you on the people, Bloody Mary, and cost parts. But how can you hate on eggs.
I remember losing my bracket because Illinois lost.
Got Married in NOLA 6 months ago, let’s just say my liver still hasn’t recovered