Getting a new match on Tinder gives me the same false promise that my degree did. PGP.
That 10am Bio 101 class doesn’t seem so bad anymore. PGP.
Gave my little brother a sympathy card for his college graduation. PGP.
I keep re-watching “Office Space” in hopes of getting hypnotized. PGP.
My Friday nights are becoming eerily similar to my Sunday through Thursday nights. PGP.
Only time I laughed today was in pity to a PGP post. Then realized, that was the only time I laughed today. PGP.
I bought a 12-pack of Natural Light last night, just to feel young again. PGP.
My Bank of America account has three figures. PGP.
I seriously considered quitting my office job to go back to life as a cart girl and life guard for the summer. Those were the good ol days. PGP
According to my calculations, it will at least two years until I can afford 2-ply toilet paper. PGP.