Kenneth Bone

Member Since 10/10/2016

  • Kenneth Bone 6 years ago on The Bathroom Situation At New My Job Is, Uh, Not Ideal

    My school is an old office building which is 12 stories. We have no teacher bathrooms so we have to either go to the 10th or 11th floor just to take a quick piss. They locked the other bathrooms because kids were smoking weed in there. It makes bathroom breaks in between class a nightmare.

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  • Kenneth Bone 6 years ago on Some Questions I Have Before My First-Ever Bachelor Party

    I just had my bachelor party this past Saturday and I am like a lot of people commenting, I have never been to a strip club nor have I ever had the desire to go. It was mentioned by a couple of friends at one point but I quickly redirected towards dinner and it wasn’t brought up again. Maybe if we had traveled to a destination I would feel more pressure to go and do it up but I really just wanted to have some time with friends while drinking around the city.

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  • Kenneth Bone 6 years ago on So You’re Moving In With Your Girlfriend

    Would you tell your kids to stay with someone who cheated or abused them mentally or physically? You don’t want to admit there is merit in living together before marriage or divorcing if one partner breaks their vows but there is. I am glad things worked for you and your wife but to advise anyone to stay with their spouse after they broke a vow is essentially telling them to be insubordinate.

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  • Kenneth Bone 6 years ago on So You’re Moving In With Your Girlfriend

    So Jesus, you haven’t changed a bit since you met your now wife, courted her, proposed and finally, married her? By simply being with another person for long enough, you change. I can tell you, there were things that I needed to fix in her and things she needed to fix in me. The church idea is that you have two people coming together to be one so don’t you think that a couple not only fills in each other’s gaps but also helps to fix the broken pieces as well?

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  • Kenneth Bone 6 years ago on So You’re Moving In With Your Girlfriend

    Jesus, would you not divorce your wife if she broke her vows? I replied to your earlier statement that you made 3-4 hours ago as well but I know a lot of people my parents age who stay together despite infidelity and issues in the marriage. If/when you have kids, would you advise them to stay with their partner if they were breaking the vows they made to each other? At some point you have to have self respect for yourself, man. I am blindly loyal to my fiancee but we wouldn’t stay together if we didn’t know if we could live together, plain and simple.

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  • Kenneth Bone 6 years ago on So You’re Moving In With Your Girlfriend

    Hey Jesus, I appreciate what you are saying because I just heard it last month at Pre-Cana. This church belief that you shouldn’t live together before marriage is extremely flawed for many reasons. You say that you knew your wife really well before moving in but by not living together before you had to learn on the fly.

    My soon to be wife has quirks like anyone else and if I found out that she doesn’t do dishes after cooking later rather than sooner, I think it would put more stress on the marriage during such a transitional time as marrying and moving . Working these things out on top of paying a mortgage/bills and learning how to live/build a life with your SO would undoubtedly cause more issues down the road.

    A marriage isn’t going save a relationship from ending if the other person has home habits that cause friction among two people, put the cart before the horse and move in so you know the relationship can last. What you are suggesting is like going into education without doing student teaching and instead you watch the 4th season of The Wire.

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  • Kenneth Bone 6 years ago on Laws I Would Enact If I Was In Power

    I’m all for year around school. It would help teachers but most of all students. Kids would still get a month off at least for Summer and August would be the start of the new school year. Shorter gap between grades and more retention of knowledge. Also, it means I don’t have to get a summer job! Everyone wins.

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  • Kenneth Bone 6 years ago on Power Ranking The Best Varieties of Reese's

    1. Reese’s seasonal shapes are the best, I don’t have a preference which.
    2. Big Cup King Size
    3. Everything else is a close third.
    The sleeper is Reese’s Sticks. Also, non-Reese’s but really good: Twix Peanut Butter

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