
Member Since 06/17/2015

  • JohnnyCorporate 8 years ago on How To Get Your Body Summer-Ready Without Hitting The Gym

    Go travel alone somewhere. I’m in the middle of my 2 week trip to Japan, and everyone here is skinny as FUCK. Everyone travels by rail, which means walking everywhere. I walked 22km (just under 14 miles) today. Before you say, “Wow that sounds terrible” you can open carry drinks here…nay, it’s socially encouraged to carry open containers here. Walk into a Lawson or 711, fill your pack with tall boys (Ive been sticking mainly to Asahi) these will keep you cool while you walk around and see cool shit, and when you get shit faced you make lots of friends you wouldn’t normally encounter because of a language barrier + social anxiety in a foreign country. I’ve been fucked up a week straight and lost 10lbs, and I’ve been eating bomb ass sushi and yakitori every night until I feel like I’ll die. Japan diet. Seriously.

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  • JohnnyCorporate 9 years ago on My Weekday Routine Has Rendered My Social Life Nonexistent

    Yesterday I got up at 4:30am, arrived at my first job at 8am, closed a 3 grand deal, set it up and installed it, then drove to Wyoming for a service, then drove back to Denver for a 4pm appointment (which I crushed and made bank) and didn’t finish that job until about 12:30am, got home at 1am. Got up at 4:30 again today. Tell me more about your problems of not having a life.

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  • JohnnyCorporate 9 years ago on My Resignation From Dating

    I haven’t dated anyone for a year. The good news is you can focus on goals, like buying a house with a back yard so you can own a dog. AKA not dying alone. Don’t worry, you’ll get there.

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  • JohnnyCorporate 9 years ago on Making A Murderer Is The Greatest Binge-Watch Of All Time

    Just watched the entire thing. If the state falsely convicts you and sends you away for 18 years, don’t try to sue them for millions of dollars they don’t have. Also, don’t be border-line retarded in a room with two guys who feed you a confession. This was just Darwin working itself out via litigation.

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  • JohnnyCorporate 9 years ago on 7 Steps For Quitting Like A Winner

    Quits stable job to go to fortune 100 company for 4x the pay. Laid off 3 weeks later, finds out fortune 100 company hired on a bunch of people to boost productivity and have an awesome looking Q4, then lay everyone off.

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  • JohnnyCorporate 10 years ago on 5 Standard Dude Behaviors That I Don't Understand

    1. Do you adjust your bra when you’re not sitting right? Same deal. I like to hang to the right, so it’s just an adjustment. As for grabbing and flipping the bird, those are neanderthals, not men.
    2. We truly are good at thinking about nothing. Seriously. I know it blows your mind, but we really can do it.
    3. Primo opportunity for TLC. We need an excuse/reason for you to take care of us.
    4. It takes me 3 days to grow a beard. I’m half Scottish, half Czech, meaning I’m quite possibly the hairiest man alive. We have built in sweaters.
    5. Cost/risk analysis – Some of us view relationships as investments, and don’t want to piss it all away and start from scratch.

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