
Ahead of my time.

Member Since 01/11/2018

  • JaneAddams 6 years ago on A Dude's Breakdown Of Week 7 Of "The Bachelor"

    Tia, Tia, Tia… you fell victim to the classic blunder of bachelordom, if you throw any of your fellow harem-mates under the bus it will only get you one more week of free vacation but it will NEVER get you dat ring.

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  • JaneAddams 6 years ago on A Dude's Breakdown Of Week 2 Of "The Bachelor"

    Unintelligent game play? She must be reading from the book of everything not do to on this show- coyly decline to give any details about her date, skip around the house with her rose and jump in on the one on one time of the most volatile cast member- either that or this woman knows exactly what she needs to do to secure that Insta-career for the next year.

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  • JaneAddams 6 years ago on A Dude's Breakdown Of Week 1 Of "The Bachelor"

    Bless you doctor for your riveting commentary. It’s my most delectable and distracting work pastime. Bravo for referencing Nice N’Easy hair dye, not many dudes could drum that up, but neither could they so readily quote Mean Girls. As I watch the show I hear Gretchen Wieners echoing in my ears: “It’s social suicide!!”

    I will note that I was surprised you didn’t pick up more on Jenna’s apparent stimulant habit- dat girl out of control be it from overuse of Adderall or just straight up riding the white pony and poor, simple, dear Arie just sits back and lets his feet get massaged, ignoring any gut feelings that should be telling him…run!

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