It's not alcoholism if you have a job.
Probably the whitest guy you'll meet who speaks Spanish.
Will in all likelihoodend end up livng in Colombia, not necessarily for the reason you think.
As much as the North Korean government is full of crazy people, it is a movie about the assassination about the sitting leader of a foreign government. It probably shouldn’t have been made.
My issue with this is where do you draw the line? I understand these are objectively shitty people and in was in the companies’ best interests to fire them once they became aware of these offensive tweets, but when do you stop?
Going to go out on a limb: was one of them pepto bismol?
Not everyone can be a professional writer Brian.
They definitely can, but it shocks me that you haven’t realized John loves you.
Dude, don’t judge.
You’re trying slightly to hard.
Absolutely didn’t happen.
As much as the North Korean government is full of crazy people, it is a movie about the assassination about the sitting leader of a foreign government. It probably shouldn’t have been made.
He really should get in touch with the chick from the other Christmas card story.
You sound unpleasant.
Definitely a PGPM.
Rigging the company gift exchange so that you get the plastic bottle vodka gag gift. PGPM.
I feel there were probably some previous early warning signs for some of these.
I think it’s unfair to assume that the people at Walgreens are any more competent at their jobs than any of us.
11. The Blowjob
Proud to say I’ve never gotten into a tiff with the National Railroad Administration.
This was terrifying.
My issue with this is where do you draw the line? I understand these are objectively shitty people and in was in the companies’ best interests to fire them once they became aware of these offensive tweets, but when do you stop?
You don’t like people very much, do you?
Blatantly looking at NSFW content on your computer. PGPM.