Pilot, I’m just going to assume you aren’t well versed in economics or financial markets history and let this one slide. Both parties suck, we all know that. Trying to convince any logical person that democrats aren’t at fault for a lot of this shit that we’re seeing won’t work.
This is my penis. There are many like it, but this is my own. Without my penis I am nothing, without me my penis is nothing.
The intern would be a straight shooter with middle level management written all over him if he wasn’t such a fuck up.
My buddy did four whole pots and turned into a gay.
That was an emotionally driven piece that I can get behind.
That was some “Sixth Sense” level shit. Makes an ok movie, but a horrible commercial.
Low quality blow is technically a PGP.
I’m dying for this to happen now.
Seems like we got a little JayTas in the making down in Texas.
She was the writer we didn’t deserve, but she was the one we had.
Fleshlights? As in you own multiple? I have no words.
Disguising* goddammit autocorrect.
Having a German preacher marry him and Angela and disgusting it as a rehearsal should’ve been on the list, McGannon.
I wish I cared about anything as much as Jay Cutler doesn’t care about anything at all.
Sure he’s banging a VS angel, but he is an Uggs man and I can’t respect that.
I’m not saying I’d have sex with any of them, but I’d enjoy touching our genitalia together if you catch my drift.
The job equivalent of “it’s not you, it’s me”
Pilot, I’m just going to assume you aren’t well versed in economics or financial markets history and let this one slide. Both parties suck, we all know that. Trying to convince any logical person that democrats aren’t at fault for a lot of this shit that we’re seeing won’t work.
One nipple. Final offer.
Easily. That’s the girl who goes out of her way to be “one of the guys.” Fuck that girl.
I had a guy pitch an idea about heated flip-flops…flip-flops for winter. Then and there I knew we had a regular Mensa on our hands.