
Member Since 07/25/2017

  • ExcelJockey 6 years ago on How Millennials Can Make Up The Ground We Lost During The Recession

    The solutions are easy:

    1. Congressional term limits
    2. Forced retirement for public officials at age 70
    3. Privatize social security
    4. Simplify the tax code, add incentives for residential real estate development & employer-paid student loan reimbursement packages

    Well, okay, they were easy to come up with. They’ll never happen, of course, so you might as well eat your feelings away with some avocado toast and a $9 mimosa.

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  • ExcelJockey 7 years ago on Bring On Fall

    Nope, summer is the best season. Baseball, golf, boating, cabin weekends, not having to wear pants, still bright outside when I leave the office, drinking outside, and the Fourth of July are definitely worth the bugs, heat, and humidity. I agree it sucks being outside when it’s hot and humid but it’s just the cost of doing business. I don’t hate fall because it means baseball playoffs and the return of football, but being cold sucks, Daylight Savings sucks, the barrage of politics in election years sucks, and seeing nothing on social media but pictures of girls in Han Solo vests at apple orchards or pumpkin patches sucks. The good doesn’t outweigh the bad for fall by nearly as far a margin as summer.

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  • ExcelJockey 7 years ago on 9 Very Important Questions I Have About Penises

    For science:

    1. Little me gets a thorough scrub down every time I shower, which is at least once a day. I keep it trimmed both out of personal preference & so it’s ready to go in case of a spontaneous beej (there is never a spontaneous beej)

    2. Never been in this situation, if I was I’d give a fair warning and let her proceed at her own risk. No worries if there is a stench she isn’t willing to brave, but that courtesy damn well better extend both ways.

    3. Nope. Reviews have ranged from “really nice” to “huge”. Fun little ego boost for a brief second when you can tell someone is saying it and meaning it, but nothing special about it. It’s big enough to have even made one nice lady I was with physically uncomfortable, so it sucked for her because it was slightly painful and sucked for me because we didn’t do it as frequently as I wanted to. Probably best to just be packing average heat.

    4. I’m not

    5. I don’t

    6. In high school, all the time. As an adult, not very often. Combo of being desensitized to it by now & being pickier about what you like than the average teenager. But if we’re talking about a real spectacle that can still be enough

    7. Assuming the quality is “good” for all 3, sex>oral>pizza, but I’ll take great head over bad sex and good pizza over bad head or sex

    8. In my experience bad sex means a misfire cut things short & she doesn’t want to continue. Bad bj = pain. Hard pass.

    9. Like finally peeing after holding it in several hours, times a thousand, plus being hit by a wave of relief that relaxes, de-stresses, and gives me the sensation of laying weightless on a cloud.

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