I got 99 problems and money is all of them.
Not telling your parents you got promoted because you’re scared they’ll stop giving you money. PGP.
I just Googled, “How to sleep with your eyes open.” PGP.
Staying two extra minutes late, but just so you don’t have to walk out with anybody. PGP.
Ending emails with a passive aggressive “please help me understand” after irrefutably supporting your case. I know I’m right, do you? PGP.
Getting hired for a job, but not really knowing what you’ll actually be doing. PGP.
My friends are getting engaged and buying homes. I still sleep in an extra-long twin bed. PGP.
Happy hour planning at 9am. PGP.
Two years ago I was an eager college senior who couldn’t wait to graduate and take the world by storm. Today, I wish I could travel through time and punch that eager moron in the face. PGP.