“I will let you know as soon as I have any potential next steps.” PGP.
My boss sent me pictures from his colonoscopy saying “See, told you I wasn’t full of shit” Massive PGP.
Balancing a heavy workload with heavy drinking. PGP
“Are you busy?” PGP.
My boss retired today. I’m more than qualified for that job. They’re filling it from the outside. PGP.
“Lower your expectations and you won’t be disappointed” is the office’s slogan. PGP.
Forgot that today was Hawaiian shirt day and literally everyone has given me a hard time about it.
Found out at homecoming I can still drink like I did in college. The hangover lasted till Wednesday. PGP.
HR guy at my new job told me to go out and celebrate with drinks with close family and friends. Got Jimmy John’s alone. PGP.
The one week on, one month off workout routine. PGP.