Brian McGannon

What do I love? I love happy hour, a good golf tan, and getting moderately drunk during dinner.

Member Since 05/31/2013

It’s Time For Whataburger To Replace In-N-Out As The Superior Burger Chain In America

You ever see your dad out on the lawn, blowing leaves like someone was timing him and judging his every move? Well, call up dear old dad and tell him to enter the Blow Competition at Indiecade. [h/t SB Nation]

Call Your Dad, There’s Finally A Competitive Leaf Blowing Event

Going from idolizing Patrick Bateman to empathizing with him. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

No, really. F**k your pumpkin spice latté.

John Oliver’s Latest Fight Is Against Your Precious Pumpkin Spice Latté

They did it again. It seemed like “Family Matters” was more “Urkel Show” than anything towards the end.

Key & Peele’s “Family Matters” Sketch Is Too Damn Funny

This is McKamey Manor in San Diego and it is your own personal hell. It’s reservation only and the average tour lasts 2-3 hours and you can’t leave. No two tours are the same and it is quite possibly the closest thing you can get to getting Saw’d. (WARNING: NSFW language and highly disturbing)

This Is By Far The Most Disturbing Haunted House In America

HR’s Worst Nightmare Sends Texts To Coworker Telling Her He’s Definitely Jerked Off To Her

Nike Is Suing A CrossFit Gym For Being A Bunch Of Posers

“Bro, Where’d You Get That Weekender?” Is A Modern Bromance Story Fit For Hollywood

Chubby Fairweather Royals Fan With Ridiculous Standards Wants Someone To Take Her To The ALCS