Sponsors page. Big supporter of the site but can only buy so much man-outfitters. Actually bought Fulton and Roark Christmas gifts, but it seems Avion’s add buy is over? Are we supposed to still buy Avion or have we moved on.
Either I’m missing a rom com reference or this is the most on brand will has ever been. Did Wil actually meet Sally by complimenting her “fit”? And said “fit” was a sweater?
Think the 16/17/18 year old amateurs playing can get a beer in the clubhouse? Or is every staff member trained to say yes to everyone playing at all times?
In Duda’s world the sun sets to the east, bet these crown molders don’t have that.
Sponsors page. Big supporter of the site but can only buy so much man-outfitters. Actually bought Fulton and Roark Christmas gifts, but it seems Avion’s add buy is over? Are we supposed to still buy Avion or have we moved on.
Bringing back live blog. Dillon went to the Masters but I got more content out of Wil’s live blog.
Wil knows a lot of the vernacular of ring shopping. Studying for content or studying for real life.
Either I’m missing a rom com reference or this is the most on brand will has ever been. Did Wil actually meet Sally by complimenting her “fit”? And said “fit” was a sweater?
Already sold out of melatonin. Wil is moving product like Heisenberg.
Love the much outside move instead of kinda outside.
A+ to Will for writing that and just as impressive to you for catching.
Ice fishing is the biggest conundrum. Real manly. But poor colors for Instagram.
Security extremely tight year round so very improbable, but any better place in the world to hook up than Amen Corner?
Nicest course you’ve played. Treetops or something down there?
Think the 16/17/18 year old amateurs playing can get a beer in the clubhouse? Or is every staff member trained to say yes to everyone playing at all times?
Best non-golf commentator you’d like to see do the masters? Gus Johnson?
Does Ricky have any shot to ever win without bringing his mustache back?
Todd is just in it for the money
Better question. Is it ever appropriate to fart in smelling range of her parents?
Percent of the male population that could pull off the look Common has on now?
Whole foods bar. Good first date spot or great first date spot?
Is a round of credit card roulette in the plans. Bring in as many randoms as possible.
You can have a beer in hand during the ceremony and nobody is the wiser.