Duda: Do you know how easy this is for me? I’m sorry you can’t do this, I really am because I wouldn’t have to fucking sit here and watch you fumble around and fuck it up.
[Duda lights next 45 parts of Flanagans on fire]
Will: [Runs and grabs the columns to blow out the fire] You’re right Johnny. I can’t write these columns. But you can, and it’s just a handful of people in the world who can tell the difference between you and me. But I’m one of them.
…next to a plate of delicious carnitas tacos.
…on a deserted Mexican beach.
…on your coffee table as you watch two bantamweights beat the piss out of each other.
“Pretty clear most of you don’t understand how higher education works, and that’s okay. Not your fault. [Paragraph of misleading statements and condescension follows] I work in the industry and will legitimately answer real questions, but do not want to be met with angry debates.”
Seems like you cleared everything up for us goobers. Thank you kind scholar!
What is this? Post-Grad SOLUTIONS? You’re not really living unless you have four iPhone alarms which involve hitting snooze at least twenty times over the course of an hour and then taking eight minutes to go from bed > shower > dressed > using electric razor in your car.
Name checks out.
Waitress: “split evenly?”
Rico: “make it 70-30” *finger guns at date*
Poor guy just trying to cut his losses.
Restaurant tab – just excuse yourself to go to the restroom after you’re done eating and the waiter will bring the bill to guy when he’s alone.
If its paid when u get back, tru luv 🙂
If the bill is still sitting there, it was not meant 2 b sorry 🙁
Do you have to use so many cuss words?
Duda: Do you know how easy this is for me? I’m sorry you can’t do this, I really am because I wouldn’t have to fucking sit here and watch you fumble around and fuck it up.
[Duda lights next 45 parts of Flanagans on fire]
Will: [Runs and grabs the columns to blow out the fire] You’re right Johnny. I can’t write these columns. But you can, and it’s just a handful of people in the world who can tell the difference between you and me. But I’m one of them.
Hungover Duda chewing on a pen and staring at his open fridge trying to think of one last column to push out before the weekend.
Serenity now. Insanity later.
Big Bob coming in hot on casual Friday with a #12 jersey and Zubaz.
Once I saw “law degree” I knew where this was heading.
Just sit tight and watch him spin out a 100-part saga spanning the rich tapestry of Connecticut’s people.
Is he responding to the commenters or did he have this up his sleeve all along?
This thread is making me so thirsty…
…next to a plate of delicious carnitas tacos.
…on a deserted Mexican beach.
…on your coffee table as you watch two bantamweights beat the piss out of each other.
Twenty years from now I’ll be watching Jurassic Park with my kids and I’ll think about this column. A real Duda deep cut.
“Pretty clear most of you don’t understand how higher education works, and that’s okay. Not your fault. [Paragraph of misleading statements and condescension follows] I work in the industry and will legitimately answer real questions, but do not want to be met with angry debates.”
Seems like you cleared everything up for us goobers. Thank you kind scholar!
What is this? Post-Grad SOLUTIONS? You’re not really living unless you have four iPhone alarms which involve hitting snooze at least twenty times over the course of an hour and then taking eight minutes to go from bed > shower > dressed > using electric razor in your car.
Paper cup. Plastic spoon. The good life.
All in good fun 🙂
Thanks, Bill.