The Silent Generation was the generation before the Baby Boomers, who actually implemented Social Security. But I agree, the people complaining now have no right to it.
It really is the Silent Generation’s fault we are in this at all. If you are too stupid to save money for retirement over the course of 40 years, you shouldn’t be given a bunch of money just because you are old. It is the ultimate participation trophy.
Brunch is purely a free excuse to get hammered at nine in the morning without people thinking you are an alcoholic.
And I’m fine with that.
The fact that the Adrian Peterson/SVP Bedwetter one isn’t on here invalidates this list.
In Case You Missed It.
Caroline is alive?
This sounds like a great way to kidnap dogs.
Best In Show is absolutely hilarious
The Right Stuff is also a Top 10 movie of all time.
Don’t you mean on punt?
TGDAG: Group Sex?
Shibby is on it?
If your theme song isn’t Office Musik by Lil Wayne, then I’m not sure why you are even bothering.
Boosh has the awkward white guy dance down to a science.
Screw tops are a newer winery thing, not necessarily a cheaper winery thing.
You son of a bitch.
I have it on good authority that Dorn manicures his chest hair.
The Silent Generation was the generation before the Baby Boomers, who actually implemented Social Security. But I agree, the people complaining now have no right to it.
It really is the Silent Generation’s fault we are in this at all. If you are too stupid to save money for retirement over the course of 40 years, you shouldn’t be given a bunch of money just because you are old. It is the ultimate participation trophy.