Everyone being on their best behavior until they announce who got promoted.
Have the day off work for President’s Day. But the roads iced over this morning and I’m basically stuck at home. PGP.
It’s not Monday until you ponder grad school.
Turbo Tax being a condescending asshole by asking me “Did you buy a house this year?” PGP.
Looking at apartments in the city but knowing damn well I’ll be at my parents for the long run. PGP.
Knowing a trained monkey could do your job, then realizing you are a trained monkey. PGP.
Coworkers are starting to “bro” me. PGP.
Not even trying to look busy anymore. PGP
Yesterday was my boss’s birthday and we ate at a Brazilian steakhouse on the company card. Today was my birthday and I ate a Wendy’s baconator alone in my car. PGP.
Getting a call for an interview, but having no clue what it’s for because you’ve applied to so many jobs. PGP.