
An Australian living in London and moving to the US. He got exhausted just writing about that. Spends his days cruising the internet while pretending to write important documents that no one will read.

Member Since 03/27/2014

The only “raging” I do anymore is getting blackout drunk watching Netflix. Alone. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

5 “Friends With Benefits” You Really Need

The PGP Weekly Dating Q&A: When Do I Facebook Friend Him?

So, You Hooked Up With A Coworker

My mom wraps my wedding gifts. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Passing out after four beers during a World Cup match between two teams you couldn’t care less about. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The Pros And Cons Of Being Romantically Involved With A Female Sports Fan

Hearing friends’ salaries and knowing I picked the wrong major. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Why I Hate Camping

11 Places To Eat Drunk Food Before You Die