
An Australian living in London and moving to the US. He got exhausted just writing about that. Spends his days cruising the internet while pretending to write important documents that no one will read.

Member Since 03/27/2014

How To Tell If You’ve Become An Emotionally Incompetent Person

There have already been several emails warning us about the consequences of taking a long lunch break for the Germany-United States game. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

I’m Turning Into My Jewish Mother

The 6 Worst Americans During The World Cup

The Time I Got A Security Guard Fired For Being An Ultra Creep

21 Power Moves You Can Pull At Happy Hour

6 Signs You’re About To Get Broken Up With

Admitting Defeat. PGP.

My life is now just looking forward to the next time I get drunk and hate myself for it. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The 5 People Watching The World Cup At Your Bar