
Member Since 06/29/2017

  • Pro 8 years ago on Mailbag: Transferring Schools, Best Sitcom Characters, Good Date Spots

    I had a friend who many people would call a pick-up artist because of the amount of women he slept with. Knowing him personally though, I knew the attention he got wasn’t contrived or practiced at all; women were just naturally drawn to him and instantly thought about him in “that way.” One thing I found fascinating about his dating life was that he never really “took girls out,” as much as he “invited them out” to do fun/ interesting things he was doing. The closest I saw him get to a proper date was asking a girl if she wanted to pretend to help him shop for luxury cars and they spent the afternoon test-driving lambos and Rolls-Royce models. I think doing something fun and memorable can resonate a lot louder with dates.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on Mailbag: Transferring Schools, Best Sitcom Characters, Good Date Spots

    Agreed^ I think the key to any date is just making it interesting. By doing something risky, it takes care of itself. If you’re an interesting person, drinks can suffice but for some that’s a lot of pressure. You can always make the situation seem risky/ interesting too. In college, I batted a thousand asking if girls would go with me to sushi for my “first time,” and if it went well I would suggest getting fondue dessert next door for my “first time.” A little dishonest? Yes. Overall harmless? Yes. But it provided great conversation and they felt comfortable and empowered being in the driver’s seat showing me what to order while I took care of jokes. Plus, eating sushi and fondue are both a little awkward, but after a drink or two the walls come down and it’s way more fun being awkward together.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on Mailbag: Transferring Schools, Best Sitcom Characters, Good Date Spots

    Is Houston unbearably humid? Or can people acclimate to it? My gf and I just finished law school in California and are working for mega-firms that have small branches in Houston. It just sounds so much better culturally and our income would effectively double after adjusting for taxes & cost-of-living. My only hangup us the humidity, I don’t know if you could pay me enough to walk around doused in sweat constantly.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on It's Time To Stop Putting Social Experiments On The Internet

    I think this all the time. These virtue-signaling social experiment videos are just an extreme version of an everyday “thoughts and prayers” post… something the Bible literally says not to share with the public:
    “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.” Matthew 6:5

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  • Pro 8 years ago on 4 Years Removed – I’m Not Cut Out For Going Back to School

    Actually I have no place to talk, I have no idea how hard other exams are. Good on you, guy. I do however know that graduating law school, and then immediately having to study 8+ hours a day the entire summer for the hardest exam of my life isn’t something I would wish on anyone.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on Probable Answers To Unanswered Sports Movie Questions

    How does Daniel-san beat Johnny and win the tournament with the crane move when the ref explicitly states at the beginning of the match that kicks to the face are illegal and will result in disqualification?

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  • Pro 8 years ago on 4 Burning Questions I Have About Sex In Public

    Actually I should throw in a word of caution. A gf of mine got caught when she was 18 in an airplane lavatory because they didn’t lock the door so it was clapping and rattling like crazy. The stewardess slammed on the door until they came out and it was a big shameful scene in front of the whole plane. It was an international flight too, so they got detained in Europe and held for like 6 hours and were luckily let off with a warning. So pick your battles I guess, and lock the damn bathroom door.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on 4 Burning Questions I Have About Sex In Public

    Just remembered 4th and 5th times getting “caught.” Once did it on the beach at night and my friends asked the next morning asked specifically if my gf and I were the ones they saw out in the open doing it. Again, just laughed it off. Final time was getting head on the freeway. WIth my driving skills compromised I dropped down to less than 60 mph on the 10 like an asshole. My car sits very low, and I think at least 4 cars angrily passed and looked down to see who this slowpoke jerk was and got an eyeful. I know they saw because one college-aged guy in a Challenger who passed me pulled up to me at the next gas station and honked and clapped at me, to my gf’s total embarrassment.
    Moral of these stories? It’s exciting and fun and can make for some great bragging rights, but it’s not that high of risk. Almost always people just laugh it off.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on 4 Burning Questions I Have About Sex In Public

    Third time was getting a beej just off a walking trail near my childhood home. My gf went at like 5:30 am and chose a really hard to see area, but sure enough a walker (dual walking sticks and all) came around the corner and saw us full mid-act. We jumped up and tried to mumble apologies while I put my clothes on. He seemed surprised but just laughed and walked away promising he didn’t see anything.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on 4 Burning Questions I Have About Sex In Public

    Second time was on a fraternity weekender in college getting a beej on the back of the houseboat, one of the trip company coordinators opened the back door, saw us, laughed, apologized and went back inside. Ironically, we used the same company the next year and I was on exec while the same coordinator was pitching another trip to us and told that story from his perspective, not knowing I was the guy he walked in on. Easy to laugh off.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on 4 Burning Questions I Have About Sex In Public

    First time, I blacked in mid-act doing it in the stall of a local college bar. Not sure how or why we decided to do this in one of three stalls in a crowded, overused women’s bathroom with a line. Another chick in the bathroom had told the manager who came in, pounded on the stall until we came out and he escorted us out of the bar. Not sure why we thought we’d get away with it, but got lots of claps on our way out.

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  • Pro 8 years ago on 4 Burning Questions I Have About Sex In Public

    Big fan of doing the nasty in public (outside, bathrooms, moving vehicles, you name it), been caught three times. So while this is mostly bragging, I feel like some people actually want to know what it’s like to get caught.

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