1. Why would you not build your stadium to entrap crowd noise? I went to every Cowboys home game this year and that’s the worst thing about AT&T Stadium, the fact they made it so open that it doesn’t get loud.
2. I’d rather listen to Sherman talk than hear old cliches from other players who sound like robots and are told what to say.
Being from Waco I’m sick and tired of having to hear about that God damn raid. Regardless, we have the best collegiate sports program in the country right now.
I truly don’t see the issue in bringing a koozie to the bar. I usually don’t sit down and prefer bottles over draft. Ultimately, I would prefer my hand not be freezing cold.
A 45 minute commute wouldn’t even suck. At least you lucky bastards get to pack a lip before work.
1. Why would you not build your stadium to entrap crowd noise? I went to every Cowboys home game this year and that’s the worst thing about AT&T Stadium, the fact they made it so open that it doesn’t get loud.
2. I’d rather listen to Sherman talk than hear old cliches from other players who sound like robots and are told what to say.
This entire thing is a clown column, bro.
Women and power moves can actually be used in he same sentence?
Nothing like huffing some paint before an 8 hour work day.
I think it’s Movie4K now.
Regardless, best website ever created.
Other than PornHub of course.
I’m sure your dad loves the fact that you’ve been railed down by a guy in his upper thirties.
Pics or you aren’t black.
I bet they were all pooped after a long day anyway.
I’d message her.
Oh, who would have though. Another column that tells us how psychotic women are. We want some Gil. That’s what we want.
I wanna know what the story behind the guy in the last picture.
Can us men get at least a unisex column? Unless I totally missed the part about this being a young female professional’s website.
Being from Waco I’m sick and tired of having to hear about that God damn raid. Regardless, we have the best collegiate sports program in the country right now.
I hate Yankees.
What the hell??? The best one liner ever isn’t even on this list.
Life. #PGP
It was so sinple, yet pure genius. What is wrong with you assfucks?
I did went to a party too.
House party is the way to go. My head starts hurting if I’m in a crowded bar. Plus I can sleep wherever I want at a house party.
^ This guy gets it.
I truly don’t see the issue in bringing a koozie to the bar. I usually don’t sit down and prefer bottles over draft. Ultimately, I would prefer my hand not be freezing cold.