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Member Since 06/05/2015

  • PleaseHold 8 years ago on My Reaction To The New York Post’s Top 20 Chain Restaurants

    As suburban chain restaurants go, we were strictly a Friday’s family growing up, no Chili’s or Applebees. My dad still gets coupons from the Friday’s points program thing.

    Friendly’s was an integral part of my mother’s youth, but there aren’t a lot of them in southern states and any time we’ve been to one now even in the north, service hasn’t been great.

    We never did Olive Garden, but fond memories of going to Red Lobster with my grandparents.

    Cracker Barrel is pretty good, but then I’m a sucker for an all-day breakfast menu.

    Panda Express became my go-to I-don’t-care-sad-food when I lived back home but that’s the only one for miles around, far as I know.

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  • PleaseHold 8 years ago on Best Buy Sucks So Now I Finally Bought An iPhone, Part 1

    Of the different times during my youth that my mother argued with an electronics/department/etc. store customer service department, I think Best Buy was the strongest, over something with a vacuum. She said she would never buy anything from Best Buy again – as far as I know she’s held true.

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  • PleaseHold 8 years ago on Stop Inviting Me To Your Birthday Parties

    Mine’s this weekend, I’ve also heard of a dog birthday party the same day that will likely be a bigger event. Fine with me, that much attention can be a bit much. Can’t quite remember what I did for half of them in the last few years since 21 anyway, and not because they were blackout (they’ve been on weeknights, work in the morning, #PGP).

    Also, feel like it it should be “birthday parties have been *diluted* down…” but ‘deluded’ fits the narrative just as well.

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  • PleaseHold 9 years ago on A Power Ranking of Grade School Fundraisers

    I remember wrapping paper, I think it was for a high school program for me. I didn’t even bother trying, but my parents told some family about it so naturally they felt obligated. Felt like more work turning in the order when I hadn’t even tried/cared.

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  • PleaseHold 9 years ago on A Power Ranking of Grade School Fundraisers

    Magazine subs were the fundraiser of choice at my middle school. Somehow related to it, a company would be brought in to hype all the hormonal pre-teens up, stick a couple youths in the money machines, etc. Get ’em all jacked for the prizes. I think the big goal was a limo ride for a pizza party, maybe after selling 20 subs? I got that once. Sounds kinda baller at the time but that was nearly 15 years ago (Jesus.), could they even do that today?

    Plus that was before as much digitized media. What prizes would they give now? No kid now is going to care about the shitty pocket AM/FM radio (5 subscriptions?). There was a shower AM/FM radio prize too, and I still see the exact same shower radio every year at Target in the “random cheap gift you might play off as ironically novel” section near menswear.

    This was just for the school/school system, we didn’t get a class trip out of it…

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  • PleaseHold 9 years ago on I'm A Grown Man With A Baby Face

    Also interesting was a month after I started the job when my boss (who I had thought was a couple years older than I am) and I realized I’m actually about a year or so older than she is.

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  • PleaseHold 9 years ago on I'm A Grown Man With A Baby Face

    Group from work went to lunch the other day including a new guy a year or two younger than I (I’m 25). We all ordered beers and the waitress was adamant about carding the new guy, but didn’t even ask for mine. After years of being told how young I look, I gotta say I felt like a piece of my identity was taken.

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  • PleaseHold 9 years ago on It’s Not Even February And My PTO Is Spoken For

    After over 2 years at my last job, I burned through my year’s worth of PTO, all 40 hours of it, in a single vacation last May. I think I was back at work not even 8 hours after we landed, after a full day of travel and layovers.

    New job I get 5 days PTO after just 3 months of work, eventually 14 full days after a year plus a couple sick days.
    No rollover but I have more regular company holidays, like Memorial and Labor Day. I had coworkers complaining about maybe being open on Christmas Eve (we closed) – I was still basking in the fact we were off the day after Thanksgiving.

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  • PleaseHold 9 years ago on I'm The Office El Chapo

    For a time my work spouse was the El Chapo (well, La Chapa).

    Then came the power struggles…a lot of good Tupperware was lost in those battles…

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  • PleaseHold 9 years ago on I Paid My Dues Valet Parking For Scum Bags

    I did a holiday season in college as a “parking attendant” for a company that was hired by a restaurants, hotels and the like.

    One of the first weekends after I started I worked outside a club that I didn’t want to go to in college and don’t want to now, on daylight savings, so I got to spend an extra hour there. Black Friday at a mall actually wasn’t so bad, and I had people with me compared to the usual cripplingly lonely shifts in the cold, maybe rain. Sometimes 6 hour shifts by myself. Glad I didn’t do it in ~100 degree summer heat though.

    I quit just before New Years. The potential tip money didn’t feel worth it.

    Since I’m still in the same area, I see the valet stations a lot when I’m out. Every time I pass one I feel for the guy standing, waiting.

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