I hope Ashley reads this, and you can develop the connection again. I’ve been lucky enough to keep in touch with a few mentors after I’ve left their company, and they’ve been crucial in my career development.
It’s St. Paddy’s, since the holiday is derived from the Irish name for Patrick, Padraig. As one website puts it, “[t]here isn’t a sinner in Ireland that would refer to a Patrick as ‘Patty.’ “
Not Dave, but I’m a lawyer. In many states, this would be treated as a strict liability crime. In other words, it doesn’t matter what you believed or if they lied to you, you would still be guilty of committing a crime.
A few of my personal favorites:
Infinite Jest – David Foster Wallace
A Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn – Betty Smith
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolfe – Edward Albee
I’ve always loved fiction, but am really starting to get into drama again.
Pizza for breakfast is actually pretty great in some circumstances. Especially when you’re hung over.
I hope Ashley reads this, and you can develop the connection again. I’ve been lucky enough to keep in touch with a few mentors after I’ve left their company, and they’ve been crucial in my career development.
Having one last rowdy weekend at Stanley’s here in Chicago before it shuts down. So many (lack of) memories created at that place.
For once, Girl is right about something. Tom and Claire seem way cooler than Girl and Todd.
It’s St. Paddy’s, since the holiday is derived from the Irish name for Patrick, Padraig. As one website puts it, “[t]here isn’t a sinner in Ireland that would refer to a Patrick as ‘Patty.’ “
Says family is normal *still kisses parents on the lips.*
Girl’s commentary on body image was legitimately disturbing and concerning.
This is a really interesting series, and gives a great dose of perspective. Keep it up!
Drink of choice if your team is in the NIT: Natty
A Saturday morning interview sounds intense. Good luck, you got this!
Not Dave, but I’m a lawyer. In many states, this would be treated as a strict liability crime. In other words, it doesn’t matter what you believed or if they lied to you, you would still be guilty of committing a crime.
Calling yourself T-Bone unironically is one of the quickest and easiest ways to show you are a huge douchebag.
Satire, according to dictionary.com: “the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.”
If the goal of this piece was to show and expose how many people use introversion as an excuse to be awful human beings without tact, then bravo.
This may just be me, but I would find it incredibly tacky and inappropriate for someone to ask me on a date on LinkedIn.
A few of my personal favorites:
Infinite Jest – David Foster Wallace
A Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn – Betty Smith
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolfe – Edward Albee
I’ve always loved fiction, but am really starting to get into drama again.
There is no way to make the phrase “joined at the vagina” not creepy and weird.
This song and I Wanna Dance with Somebody will always guarantee a good time.
Claire is the friend we all need. So glad she’s back.
That’s the first time I’ve ever heard Uptown been described as quiet and almost suburban. Green Mill is a pretty cool jazz bar, though.
Looks like Eric unwittingly took Victoria’s advice about the Groupon date. Also, sushi rolling classes just sound fun.