PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on I Found My mp3 Player From 2009 And Good God I Sucked No shame in that, she was a boss in No Doubt. Not sure what this says about my tastes, but Tragic Kingdoms is still one of my favorite albums. 11 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Breaking Down The Most Shameless Ways To Get Instagram Followers Extra level of anxiety: hearing from this website that people can now track who you follow and what photos you like on Instagram. 3 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts 3/14 Still riding the high from helping one of my favorite organizations (Camp Kesem) raise $1.2 million on Saturday, and closing with a bunch of donors at the annual gala. Time to continue riding that wave and close a bunch of prospective clients! 8 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts 3/13 Submitting an article to a professional blog in my field (unfortunately, not this site). Fingers crossed I get my name out there! 3 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts 3/10 Working from home today, so there’s a pretty good chance I’ll be close some matters without wearing pants. Life is good. 2 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts Life’s too short to not wear Hawaiian shirts as much as possible. I say go wear it on the date. 12 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts Starting out the day with reading a little Bukowski on the train, and then perfecting a brief for a pro bono case. Let’s go get some justice today! 5 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts My ultimate life goal: -1 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts On cup number 3, wearing my lucky tie to court today, and channeling the Texas Law Hawk all day! 16 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts Finishing up conference calls with three different networking and industry events tonight. Time to turn on the charm bomb! 1 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts Starting Fat Tuesday right by getting some paczki and embracing my Polish heritage before crushing some motions and briefs later on in the day! 9 Log in to reply or vote on comments
PatentlyAbsurd 8 years ago on Morning Coffee Thoughts I HAVE A FEW HEARINGS IN COURT THIS MORNING, AND WILL BE CHANNELING CLARENCE DARROW ALL DAY! 5 Log in to reply or vote on comments
No shame in that, she was a boss in No Doubt. Not sure what this says about my tastes, but Tragic Kingdoms is still one of my favorite albums.
Extra level of anxiety: hearing from this website that people can now track who you follow and what photos you like on Instagram.
Still riding the high from helping one of my favorite organizations (Camp Kesem) raise $1.2 million on Saturday, and closing with a bunch of donors at the annual gala. Time to continue riding that wave and close a bunch of prospective clients!
Submitting an article to a professional blog in my field (unfortunately, not this site). Fingers crossed I get my name out there!
Working from home today, so there’s a pretty good chance I’ll be close some matters without wearing pants. Life is good.
Life’s too short to not wear Hawaiian shirts as much as possible. I say go wear it on the date.
Starting out the day with reading a little Bukowski on the train, and then perfecting a brief for a pro bono case. Let’s go get some justice today!
My ultimate life goal:
On cup number 3, wearing my lucky tie to court today, and channeling the Texas Law Hawk all day!
Finishing up conference calls with three different networking and industry events tonight. Time to turn on the charm bomb!
Starting Fat Tuesday right by getting some paczki and embracing my Polish heritage before crushing some motions and briefs later on in the day!