
Still unsure at what age blacking out is no longer acceptable. Real life Nick Miller.

Member Since 12/01/2017

Writers’ Roundtable: A Farewell To

Keeping your facial hair after No Shave November because it conceals your growing double chin.

Post Grad Problems

Cuffing Season: A Poem

A Timeline Of Why This Is The Best Two-Month Stretch Of The Year

Why Halloween Is Actually The Undisputed Best Holiday

right person wrong time

A Tribute To Meeting The Right Person At The Wrong Time

My Downright Bizarre Experience Of Being Cast On ‘The Bachelor’


I’m Afraid Of Change

Accidentally pressed Speak instead of Paste in Bumble during a conference call. Everyone heard my cheesy pickup line. Now it’s how all my coworkers begin conversations with me.

Post Grad Problems
mac miller

Mac May Be Gone, But His Music Lives On