
Stuck in the middle with you. Space City

Member Since 10/29/2013

I spilled Rum and Coke all over myself in public last night. PGP

Post Grad Problems

Hell is the last 2 minutes of a close basketball game when you really need to get some sleep. #PGP

Post Grad Problems

“Impractical rock hat: $9,995.”

This Honest Jewelry Store Ad Will Make Anyone Who Recently Bought Jewelry Feel Like A Sucker

Pretty much nailed it.

This Video Personifies Your Drunk Penis During A Sexual Encounter

45 Signs You’re A Douchebag – A Refresher

I could really use a free t-shirt. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Not getting laid for 40 days and telling everyone you gave up sex for Lent. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Found myself explaining tinder to everyone at work; they looked at me like I had just discovered fire. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Not even bothering trying to sell your $30 grill. PGP.

Apple’s Jony Ive Has A Strong Motivational Poster Game