It just made me worried that in addition to college submissions to worst weekends we’re now going to start getting high school submissions. Please god no.
Mechanical engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets. (The fact that I am laughing out loud at this terrrrrrrrrrible joke reinforces everything said about engineers.)
This move doesn’t work if you want to be involved in your local alumni association chapter though, at least not for mine. It’s an all-or-nothing opt out.
I had lost touch with one of my best friends from middle school and she reached out to me right before I moved to see if I wanted to get together for drinks. I was ecstatic. We met up and she pitched me on WorldVentures. I turned from ecstatic to furious real quick.
I honestly cannot believe that veggies are not on this list.
How is popcorn not on here? I literally eat popcorn at my desk every single day.
CMV did you really not catch that Die Hard reference?!
Crunchy PB or GTFO.
Unless we’re talking naughty bits, of course.
It just made me worried that in addition to college submissions to worst weekends we’re now going to start getting high school submissions. Please god no.
We did this during a blizzard a couple years ago because everyone wanted to drink but we couldn’t get to each other. So much fun.
Sending this to every engineer I know.
Mechanical engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets. (The fact that I am laughing out loud at this terrrrrrrrrrible joke reinforces everything said about engineers.)
What’s the difference between civil engineers and mechanical engineers?
Another engineer checking in here. Gotta disagree with ya, T Swizle. These comments are extremely accurate.
This move doesn’t work if you want to be involved in your local alumni association chapter though, at least not for mine. It’s an all-or-nothing opt out.
Not trying to be a Debbie Downer here but inaccurate portrayals of therapy can be extremely detrimental to people considering seeking treatment.
A therapist would never tell someone they’re choosing to be a victim. What the actual fuck.
I keep oatmeal packets in my desk at work because I’m a sad soul who eats both breakfast and lunch at my desk.
I had lost touch with one of my best friends from middle school and she reached out to me right before I moved to see if I wanted to get together for drinks. I was ecstatic. We met up and she pitched me on WorldVentures. I turned from ecstatic to furious real quick.
Went to the Kentucky Derby on Saturday for a bachelorette party and didn’t have to write in a worst weekend submission. Success.
You know you’re a millennial when you can’t imagine having the same boss for five years.
The Enneagram of Personality is also super interesting and pretty accurate for everyone I know who has taken the test.