My life is a series of awkward moments sprinkled with incompetence and debauchery. PGP.
IT made me trade in my work iPhone for an Android. I don’t know how to use it. PGP.
Frantically turning the volume down when what you thought was just an ESPN article turns out to be a video. PGP.
It’s a “fuck it, let the intern deal with it” kinda Friday. PGP.
Spending an hour trying to find the one error in a 40-page Excel workbook that effects every formula. PGP.
I’m 27 years old, and I got carded for an R-rated movie last night. Not sure if I should be happy or upset. PGP.
Sometimes I leave the office to run an “errand” and just drive around for 15 minutes. PGP.
Typing “po” into my work computer browser gets me to this website. Typing “po” into my personal laptop browser is a different story. PGP.
My tinder matches are really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel. PGP.
Getting to use the shredder being the highlight of your day. PGP.