Boston Max

Spending my retirement fund at Trader Joe's and trying to remember to check my mailbox semi-regularly

Member Since 01/25/2016

Apparently ‘Friends’ Triggered The Downfall Of Western Society, According To This Guy

ABC Is Finally Offering A Fantasy ‘Bachelor’ League That’ll Inevitably Take Over Your Life

Saying Goodbye To Boston: Just A Dude Doing Business

There Is A Clear Generational Gap In Locker Room Etiquette

Saying Goodbye To Boston: Still Boston Strong

Saying Goodbye To Boston: Timing Is Everything

You Need To Have A Backup Plan For Marriage, As Evidenced By A Bunch Of Japanese People Marrying Their Best Friends

Knee-Jerk Reactions To This Season’s Ridiculous ‘Bachelor’ Contestants

‘Bachelor’ Wines Are Now Available And They Look Incredible

Yes I Will Purchase This Satin Mattress For My iPhone