
Biggest TCU fan you'll ever meet. My phone is either: 1) charging, 2. dying) or 3) dead. If it's not on snapchat, then did it ever happen?

Member Since 09/16/2015

I Went Too Hard During Homecoming Weekend And I Can Never Go Back, Part 1

Is it a bad move for me to ask our new temp hire if she’d like to connect with me on LinkedIn? PGP.

Post Grad Problems

The fake hollow laugh you give a co-worker who just told a terrible joke

Post Grad Problems

Is it homecoming yet?

Post Grad Problems

“Every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself.” #PGP

Post Grad Problems

How To Check Your Uber Rating

The Working Man’s Guide To Visiting Your Alma Mater

Received an anonymous complaint that I talk about sports too much….

Post Grad Problems

I go to lunch as late as possible, just so the day seems shorter. PGP

Post Grad Problems

I find myself getting to bars earlier and earlier to avoid crowds. PGP

Post Grad Problems