Displaced Chicagoan now residing in Beer City, USA. Can be found on the weekends shooting a round of golf, sipping craft beer, or getting way too worked up over Chicago sports teams.
Not anymore luckily but this was the attitude of everyone at the first job I worked out of college. They let me go after two months of working there and it was possibly the best thing to happen to me as a post grad. Much better off now.
“Wow, how dare you put your personal needs before the needs of the company. That’s just the kind of 9-5 mentality that we refuse to accept at this establishment. If you’re not checking your email at 8:00 on a Saturday you clearly lack the drive of a successful team member.”
I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one. At the time that I started dating my girlfriend she pretty much had only guy friends, all of which she had hooked up with our dated at some point. Then, when we went official with our relationship, guess who immediately stopped taking to her? Yep, you guessed it…all of her guy friends.
On the flip side, I’m trying to imagine the reaction that I would get from my girlfriend if I created a list of 30 demands that she needed to meet to be a”good” girlfriend. I don’t see it ending well at all.
Best news I’ve heard in the past 24 hours.
A little harsh there, don’t you think?
I definitely expected that the “question on everyone’s mind” was going to be whether or not you two are banging.
But what are the top ten cities that have strict work dress codes?
A bartender telling everyone to skip the bars and go to house parties this weekend? That’s a bold strategy Cotton…
I think Poundtown would be near the top of the list.
True love
Think you actually mean PGPM.
Not anymore luckily but this was the attitude of everyone at the first job I worked out of college. They let me go after two months of working there and it was possibly the best thing to happen to me as a post grad. Much better off now.
“Wow, how dare you put your personal needs before the needs of the company. That’s just the kind of 9-5 mentality that we refuse to accept at this establishment. If you’re not checking your email at 8:00 on a Saturday you clearly lack the drive of a successful team member.”
That ending escalated quickly.
For me, getting one like on a pic is a huge accomplishment.
Given your last response, I know you’ll do great in advertising.
Maybe the guy doesn’t hate his job and isn’t filled with depression and anxiety about the start of the week.
One time in college I smoked a cigar from a 7-Eleven that said “Cuban Delight” does that count?
Yep, and that folks is why you don’t move halfway across the country to become a blogger.
JD should bring back The Chase and submit columns to the site regularly. PGPM.
“Forbes Published a List of the Ten Best Cities for Retirement and it’s not What You’d Expect”
I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one. At the time that I started dating my girlfriend she pretty much had only guy friends, all of which she had hooked up with our dated at some point. Then, when we went official with our relationship, guess who immediately stopped taking to her? Yep, you guessed it…all of her guy friends.
On the flip side, I’m trying to imagine the reaction that I would get from my girlfriend if I created a list of 30 demands that she needed to meet to be a”good” girlfriend. I don’t see it ending well at all.