David Hoover

David Hoover (DHoov206) is a Seattle native who frequently pretends he is Macklemore's younger brother. He talks in the 3rd person because he's arrogant, and was once voluntarily questioned by the FBI in regards to something he tweeted. Gonzaga University alumnus of '13. (Well, he might be short a class but he's convinced no one actually checks for diplomas.)

Member Since 06/18/2013

My drug dealer wears a white coat and has an M.D. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Being nervous for absolutely no reason. PGP.

Post Grad Problems

“Adobe Reader updates are ready to install.” PGP.

Post Grad Problems

Because iTunes Costs Money: 6 Best Pandora Stations

Selena Exalted, Justin Assaulted: She’s Twenty-One, You Guys!

Amway: We’re Not A Cult, Just A Pyramid Scheme!

5 Hottest TV Commercial Girls, And Another I’d Like To Kill

Settling Is For Suckers

The “Opposite George” Cover Letter

The Benefits Of Going Unprotected