David Hoover (DHoov206) is a Seattle native who frequently pretends he is Macklemore's younger brother. He talks in the 3rd person because he's arrogant, and was once voluntarily questioned by the FBI in regards to something he tweeted.
Gonzaga University alumnus of '13. (Well, he might be short a class but he's convinced no one actually checks for diplomas.)
Bonus: Pretty sure I would’ve committed suicide by now if I had had to do just one more year of unproductive binge drinking. I agree, four years was the perfect length. The highs are high, but the lows are low. Oh man… the lows were fuckin’ low.
Were people actually getting pissed over that line? Haha some people need to get a life. I didn’t even think Bruno Mars was black. Is Bruno Mars black? Nevermind. I don’t care.
Great column beezy.
I believe it. After all, he is the dude behind this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Di8QT98Zk
That’s impressive; you must get around.
6) Bachelor Parties
Bonus: Pretty sure I would’ve committed suicide by now if I had had to do just one more year of unproductive binge drinking. I agree, four years was the perfect length. The highs are high, but the lows are low. Oh man… the lows were fuckin’ low.
I literally just spent about twice as much time as I needed to at the grocery store tonight because of how much talent there was.
Of course, I didn’t hit on any of them…you know, cuz I’m a pussy.
Haha when you’re out at a bar you gotta love your proud, drunk friends for that. It’s like they take the place of your parents.
^^He liked it.
Your mom’s not bad, McGunners!
Were people actually getting pissed over that line? Haha some people need to get a life. I didn’t even think Bruno Mars was black. Is Bruno Mars black? Nevermind. I don’t care.
Great column beezy.
#DucksForLife, Charlie.
Hahaha I meant as in Pete Carroll. Props tho that made me lol.
Thanks Pete.
What really irks me, is why the hell do other coworkers enjoy getting drinks together on a Friday? The hell is up with that… Great column.
No problem Sterling! I hope you get Nancy Keriggan’d and put in a wheelchair the rest of your life!
Draper, you can come work for me.
Wait—I don’t own anything. So no, you can’t.
Hey everybody read this column: https://pgparchive.wpengine.com/Why-The-Seattle-Seahawks-Are-Pretty-Much-The-Mighty-Ducks/ It’s WAY better.
Suck it, Sterling.
Thank you, I appreciate it!
BUT…We’ve been “Caw, Caw!”-ing since ’76.
You’re welcome. Err…Thanks.
I’ll repeat for him, “Why would day drinking be restricted to weekends?”
You have a way with analogies, my friend.