Every time I see any of the words “pizza, wine, or Netflix” in a bumble bio I will bravely take a knee, so that we can bring this issue to a nation wide discussion.
I agree with you. It looks miserable to live in. The picture is just misleading, it’s like posting a photo of people on Halloween and calling them weirdos because they’re dressed up.
The photo of them all wearing costumes is for Bay to Breakers, it’s for an annual race in SF where everyone dresses up in random costumes and gets fucked up. It’s literally in the hashtag.
Living in Southern CA, I haven’t seen anything resembling a winter in 5 years… This drought has turned the entire state into Westoros. Every year I get excited at the thought that “Winter is coming, hopefully”
In high school my AP lit teacher told me I wasn’t smart enough to pass the AP exam. I ended up not studying for it and passing, I made sure to go back to her class the next year and calmly let her know that I had passed without studying and she was wrong about me. I will never forget the look on her face.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Don’t be that guy Will, nobody likes that guy.
Every time I see any of the words “pizza, wine, or Netflix” in a bumble bio I will bravely take a knee, so that we can bring this issue to a nation wide discussion.
When will the “I like Pizza, I’m quirky” fad end?
All I got from that study was that 60% of the time, it works every time.
I can tell Chris is a douchebag simply based off the fact he wears Hollister.
Start placing bets on who will kneel during the National Anthem, that’s where the real money is at.
I agree with you. It looks miserable to live in. The picture is just misleading, it’s like posting a photo of people on Halloween and calling them weirdos because they’re dressed up.
The photo of them all wearing costumes is for Bay to Breakers, it’s for an annual race in SF where everyone dresses up in random costumes and gets fucked up. It’s literally in the hashtag.
Well he did execute a man with an anti-aircraft gun for dozing off in a meeting, so banning sarcasm sounds completely reasonable.
Yeezy Season 4
Just by reading your transcript of their conversation I knew they had to be hot.
Ben is a lucky bastard.
Living in Southern CA, I haven’t seen anything resembling a winter in 5 years… This drought has turned the entire state into Westoros. Every year I get excited at the thought that “Winter is coming, hopefully”
I would never get my face that close to an economy airline seat
In high school my AP lit teacher told me I wasn’t smart enough to pass the AP exam. I ended up not studying for it and passing, I made sure to go back to her class the next year and calmly let her know that I had passed without studying and she was wrong about me. I will never forget the look on her face.
Obvious joke wasn’t obvious enough I guess
Hey ATLguy, how are my comments? I desperately need your approval
That unfortunate RSVP typo is funnier than anything you’ve written for PGP
Publicly displaying ones upper-middle class privilege. PGPM.
That Instagram comment is pretty accurate though